S&R Survival Shopping Experience ♥

Yesterday, we went on shopping at S&R Taguig for their annual Member's Treat wherein everything is on SALE! May it be 50% off, or lots of Buy 1 Take 1 deals. And as what I told you in the title, it's a SURVIVAL SHOPPING indeed!

So many S&R members arrived! Some fell in line early in the morning (as early as 5am, opening by 9am) We were like , we went there by 8am, the place was filled with people and achie's aunt decided to go to a different branch which was at Congressional - Mission failed.

So we went back at Taguig after lunch, and we patiently waited in line (the whole parking space of S&R!) MISSION SUCCESS! ♥

Mommy & Lola ~ The Hunter. The Accountant.
Anna & Mitch ~ The Hunter. The Lifter.
Uncle Mike ~ The Watcher. The Fall-In-Line Man.

Finally! For Nemo, this is the only food he wants to buy at S&R for only P399.95 only. 6packs of Pringles on SALE! ♥ Congrats Nemo!

Achie saw this Hello Kitty Downy.. And she had adrenaline rushed! A limited edition HK Downy for only P299.00 with free gift (a Hello Kitty key chain to be exact) worth P1000.00... She put it on our trolly without second thoughts.. UNTIL...

I bought Loreal Shampoo & Conditioner instead. LOL.

We're at the cashier(3) at around 6:30pm! We spent hours on the cart lane which makes it almost a whole day! We're all exhausted when we went back home.. and yet...
We enjoyed all the low-price world class shopping experience!


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