Bon Chon + Marvels = ♥♥♥

04.22.2012. Quality time ♥
Few months passed, and we haven't tried to intense-ly played Pump It Up. We were so busy at work and we hardly couldn't find time to spend a day together. So we decided to play today for a change. Achie miss playing the music train, so Achie chose Wanna by Kara

Music Train - Wanna's Train - A = 1492 Combo
KARA - Wanna - Single 11
KARA - Wanna - Single 12
KARA - Wanna - Single 13
KARA - Wanna - Single 14
KARA - Wanna - Single 15

Thanks Me-anne for introducing to me this song 

The music train is much more tiring than the usual. You're going to play one song for five times. Note that each song has a different level, from easy to crazy! Achie was so happy with her combo. She'll try to video herself soon. Must gain more stamina - She/we're usually tired & barely breathing on the 4th-5th song.

Right after, we had dinner at Bon Chon. Small talk & reminiscing blues!

Ordered Thigh Rice Box and Fish & Chips.

Going back... Went to Folded & Hung FOR THIS:

Oh yeah! Without second thoughts....

Taaadaaah! We will reveal our Marvel Characters on May 27, 2012! ♥

To sum all things up.... Advance Happy Month-Anniv Achie & Nemo!~♥


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