Happy Nemo Chichi Monthsary!

I've been out for a couple of weeks, busy with work and other personal stuffs. That's why we were not able to update our whatsoever's happening to our life this past few days.

Going back, We just want to share some photos we stocked for a moment. We've been updated on Facebook though. :)

Firsts at HID Burgers! Just had a simple unplanned dinner. We believe it was our month-anniv. (Yeah yeah! We always forgot. haha)

Their burgers looks ordinary to me, yet they are so heavy and tastes good! Most especially the thick double patties.

Our first batch of TMS Shirts & Mugs has arrived! Cute customized shirts & mugs from our online shop - Nemo Chichi Online Shop.

We had our logo, which was designed by my good friend - Abu (https://www.facebook.com/ambokiko.cosplay) printed on a TMS way! The idea was so cool. I have mine on pink, and Nemo on a blue shirt. We're planning to sell this too to everyone, sooooooon!

And here were the other orders of our awesome Nemo Chichi customers!

Chibi Robin and Darth Vader Mugs for P200 each.

Mustache Mugs for P150 each.

Our first blessings. Thank you Lord!

These were the orders of one of our friends, Athena. So cute selections. Shirts costs P500 each and the mustache mug is P150 only.

Which happens to be as same as order with Ms. Jinri ParkBatstache Vintage Tee, Top Pig Vintage Tee and Baboyers Mug As Seen On Jinri Park. 


♥ Message us on FACEBOOK (http://www.facebook.com/nemochichionlineshop) once you are already 101 % SURE of buying my product.

♥ Email at nemocontactlens@yahoo.com



LIKE US @ http://www.facebook.com/nemochichi

So that was it. Very productive July. Hello August!♥


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